Pai, J., Chou, E. Y., & Halevy, N. (2023). The humor advantage: Humorous bragging benefits job candidates and entrepreneurs. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 1-15.
Chou, E. Y., & Phillips, K. W. (2022). Unpacking the Black box: How inter- and intra-team forces motivate team rationality. Decision, 9(3), 250–262.
Chou, E. Y., Hsu, D. Y., & Myung, N. (2022). Once bitten, twice shy: The negative spillover effect of seeing betrayal of trust. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Applied, 28(2), 360–378.
Sanner, B., Ziauddin, H., & Chou, E. (2022). Are we really better together? A bottom-up aggregation of communal orientation and its effect on interdependent decision-making. Group Processes and Intergroup Relations. 25(1), 85-105.
Chou E. Y., Hernon, E., & Hsu, D. Y. (2020) Sign me up: Maximizing the Commitment
Power of e-Pledges for Prosocial Causes. PlosONE.
Halevy, N., Jun, S., & Chou, E., Y. (2020) Intergroup Conflict is Our Business: CEOs' Ethical Intergroup Leadership Fuels Stakeholder Support for Corporate Intergroup Responsibility. Journal of Business Ethics, 162(1), 229-246.
*Chou, E. Y. (2018). Naysaying and Negativity Promote Initial Power Establishment and Leadership Endorsement. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 115(4), 638-656.
*Reprinted in Management Insights in Chinese (Issue 1, 2019) and English (Annual Issue, 2019).
Chou E. Y. Halevy, N., Galinsky, A., & Murnighan, J. K. (2017) The Goldilocks contract: The synergistic benefits of combining structure and autonomy for persistence, creativity, and cooperation. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 113(3), 393-412.
Chou, E. Y. & Nordgren, L. (2016) Safety in numbers: How the mere presence of others increases risk taking behaviors. Journal of Behavioral Decision Making, 30: 671-682.
Chou, E. Y., Parmar, B., & Galinsky, A. D. (2016). Economic instability induces physical pain. Psychological Science, 27: 443-454.
Chou E. Y. (2015). What is in a name? The toll e-signatures take on individual honesty. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, 61: 84-95.
Waytz, A., Chou, E. Y., Galinsky, A., & Magee, J. (2015). Not so lonely at the top, the New York Times.
Chou, E. Y. (2015) Will people ever trust e-signatures, Live Science Expert Voices.
Chou E. Y. (2015). Paperless and soulless. E-signatures diminish the signer's presence and decrease acceptance. Social Psychological and Personality Science, 6(3): 343- 351.
Halevy, N., & Chou, E. Y. (2014). How decisions happen: Focal points and blind spots in interdependent decision making, Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 106(3): 398-417.
Halevy, N., Cohen, T. R., Chou, E. Y., Katz, J. J., & Panter, A. T. (2014). Mental models at work: Cognitive causes and consequences of conflict in organizations. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 40(1): 92-110.
*Chou, E. Y. & Murnighan, J. K. (2013). Life or death decisions: framing the call for help. PLosONE. 8(3): e57351.
*Best Paper Proceedings, Academy of Management Meetings, 2010.
Nordgren, L. & Chou, E. Y. (2013). A devil on each shoulder: When deliberation impairs self-control. Social Psychological and Personality Science, 4(2): 233-237.
Halevy, N., Chou, E. Y., & Galinsky A. D. (2012). Exhausting or exhilarating? Conflict as threat to interests, relationships, and identities. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, 48: 530-537.
Halevy, N., Chou, E. Y., Galinsky, A., & Murnighan, J.K., (2012). When hierarchy wins: Evidence from the national basketball association. Social Psychological and Personality Science, 3(4): 398-406.
Halevy, N., Chou, E. Y., Cohen, T. R., & Livingston, R., W. (2012). Status conferral in intergroup social dilemmas: Behavioral antecedents and consequences of prestige and dominance. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 102(2), 351-366.
*Halevy, N., Chou, E. Y., & Murnighan, J.K., (2012). Mind games: The mental representation of conflict. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 102(1), 132- 148.
*Most Influential Journal Article Award, International Association of Conflict Management, 2014
*Stanley Reiter Best Paper Award, Honorable Mention, Kellogg School of Management, Northwestern University, 2015
Nordgren, L. & Chou, E. Y. (2011) The push and pull of temptation: The bi-directional influence of temptation on self-control. Psychological Science, 22(11), 1386-1390.
Ostling, R., Wang, J., Chou, E. Y., & Camerer, C. (2011) Testing game theory in the field: Swedish LUPI lottery games. American Economic Journal-Microeconomics, 3(3), 1-33.
Halevy, N., Chou, E. Y., & Galinsky, A. (2011). A functional model of hierarchy: Why, how, and when vertical differentiation enhances group performance, Organizational Psychological Review, 1(1), 32-52.
Chou, E. Y., McConnell, M., Nagel, R., & Plott, C., (2009). The control of game form
recognition in experiments: Understanding dominant strategy failures in a simple two
person "guessing" game. Experimental Economics, 12(2), 159-179.