Interested in participating? 

Psychology Participant Pool

September 2024

We are running studies through the psychology participant pool this semester. These studies can be completed for course credit. Log in here! 

Psychology Participant Pool

January 2024

We are running studies through the psychology participant pool this semester. These studies can be completed for course credit. Log in here! 

Psychology Participant Pool

October 2020

We are running studies through the Psychology paid participant pool this semester. These studies are typically 30 minutes or less and can be completed for course credit. Log in here! 

COVID Announcement

March 2020

Effective immediately, all in-person data collection will be suspended until further notice, though we hope to be back up soon. We appreciate your patience in the meantime. 

Do you want to participate in Jade Lab studies?

September 2019

There are several options for participating in our studies. When the weather is nice, we can be found a few days a week tabling outside Garrett Hall, right by the amphitheatre (and the food trucks!). These studies are short, ranging from 2 to 10 minutes, and payment incentives include cookies, candy, chocolate bars, and entries in a $25 cash raffle.

Darden Participant Pool

October 2018

We also run studies through the Darden paid participant pool. This is an online site where you can create a login and sign up for studies (at JADE lab and others!) at your convenience. These studies are paid, typically between $10-20 per hour. You can sign up by clicking on the "request account" button on this site: Darden Paid Pool

Social Media

January 2019

Lastly, we sometimes send out quick online studies via our social media sites, where you can be entered for a chance to win a raffle. 

Follow us on InstagramTwitter, and Facebook to be a part of these opportunities!

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